Forefront Authors Have Been Seen On
The World of Publishing
Is Changing Rapidly
The book publishing landscape is constantly changing. While it's never been easier to publish a book, it's never been harder to sell books. Authors who wish to publish are left wondering: What approach should I take? The traditional route? Self-publishing? Or is there a better way?
Traditional publishing deals are not easy and are anything but “traditional.” Meanwhile, self-publishing has never been easier, but there are challenges that come with it too. At Forefront Books, we offer a better approach.
Forefront Books
Is a full service, bespoke publishing company that majors in solutions.
As a hybrid between traditional/legacy and independent publishing, Forefront Books provides our clients with the freedom and control of independent publishing along with top-quality editing, production, and distribution through Simon & Schuster. We also provide access to professionals who deliver the same, or in many cases better, PR and marketing results as large legacy publishing houses. Traditional publishing deals are increasingly difficult, but it’s not necessary to go that route in the first place.
Is Forefront Books a self-publishing company?
We are not. The Forefront model allows authors and organizations to keep the rights to their Intellectual Property (IP) and speak into the timing of releases as well as their marketing and publicity campaigns. However, we do not publish whatever is sent to us. Instead, Forefront Books carefully curates the content we choose to publish, and our books must pass our editorial team’s review.
Jonathan has been a continued source of knowledge and has made the entire publication process feel simple and exciting. His advice on marketing and his instincts have been logical and sound, and as a result, my newest book became a bestseller within hours of release.
Meet Our Publisher
Get to know our publisher, Jonathan Merkh and his mission behind Forefront Books.
How to Become a Published Author
So, you have a story to tell, but where do you begin? How do you become a legitimate published author? Everyone has a story, and—aside from the sheer thrill of seeing your name in print—there are many reasons why you might be champing at the bit to tell the world your tale. You’ve seen things, […]
It’s as easy as filling out a short application.